09/03/2015 G44 Philip Köster Slomo G44 Philip Köster Slomotion for Starboard JAPAN Promotion. Date : 27 FEB / 02 MAR Place : Kikukawa / Long Beach Omaezaki Condition : NW MAX about 45 knots Categories Athletes/Video Comments: 0
13/02/2014 Philip Köster – Western Australia Gennaio 2014 Philip Köster si fa un giro sulla costa ovest dell’Australia in cerca di onde. Lo accompagnano Scott McKercher, Jaeger Stone e Ben Severne. Categories Athletes/Video Comments: 0
24/01/2014 Philip Koster a Gran Canaria Il nostro Philip Koster torna a Gran Canaria dopo 2 settimane passate in Australia. A Salinas con la Severne Blade 4.5 e Starboard Nuevo 80lt Categories Athletes/Video Comments: 0
10/12/2013 V111 vs. G44 V111 vs. G44 PWA 2010, Pozo, Campello contro Koster. La sfida dei due ex-Neil Pryde. Categories PWA/Video Comments: 0
18/11/2013 Philip Köster Breve clip su Philip “Wonder Boy” Köster durante il photo shoot a Cape Town e Maui. Categories Athletes/Video Comments: 0
07/10/2013 Philip Köster Extrem Moves and Crashes Philip Köster Extrem Moves and Crashes in 2.26 minutes Categories Athletes/Video Comments: 0
17/09/2013 Philip Köster in Australia Philip Köster in Australia. Degno di nota il minuto 0:52 Categories Video Comments: 0